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BETWEEN US A Posidonia exhibition with Greece at the top… Posidonia: One of the largest international shipping exhibitions, one of the most significant opportunities for top entrepreneurs to meet, for the conclusion of major agreements, and for the announcement of major collaborations. Posidonia, an internationally influential exhibition, which is being held in a country whose radiance has faded, but which this year boasts the greatest participation of exhibitors yet, in a modern exhibition centre, far, however, from the sea and without a whisper having yet been heard about the proposed exhibition centre in Piraeus.

Posidonia The situation this year is indeed fortunate, with the Greek shipping sector having reclaimed the lead in the global rankings, in terms of capacity!

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Posidoniawith Greek ship owners once again looking at their competitors from the top, and lending prestige to our country, at a time when it is so much needed. Posidoniawith shipyards outside of Greece, unfortunately full of Greek orders. Posidoniaalso, however, with the Greeks seeing the blue and white ensign waving above fewer sterns and more Greek seafarers out of work.

Posidoniawith the Greek coastal shipping industry facing adventures and struggling to survive, and with maritime education still circumscribed by an unacceptable and low-quality state monopoly of MMAs, due to which the increasing number of young people who wish to enter the seafaring profession, are unable to do so.

Posidoniawith the Greek government apparently giving it the appropriate significance, removed from the petty political, personal and populist considerations, that have been at play many times before.

All rights reserved. Απαγορεύεται η αντιγραφή, αποθήκευση και διανοµή του παρόντος τεύχους, εξ ολοκλήρου ή τµήµατος αυτής, για εµπορικό σκοπό. Επιτρέπεται η ανατύπωση, αποθήκευση και διανοµή για σκοπό µη κερδοσκοπικό, εκπαιδευτικής ή ερευνητικής φύσης, υπό την προϋπόθεση να αναφέρεται η πηγή προέλευσης και να διατηρείται το παρόν µήνυµα Ερωτήµατα που αφορούν τη χρήση της εργασίας για κερδοσκοπικό σκοπό πρέπει να απευθύνονται προς τον εκδότη. VazourasaP.

Posidonia A very significant moment for the suffering Greek economy, the suffering country, and the suffering Greek people. The ball is in the hands of the government and political forces. They should take care to take advantage of απώλεια βάρους γαλαξία va and gain as much as possible from this manoeuvre.

Good luck! A celebra5on for Greece… by Dimitris Kapranos At the time this article is being written, the political landscape emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους not yet clear.

The first round of municipal and regional elections, which left a sense that governmental cooperation could be continued smoothly, has been completed. Until that time, the only major exhibition here was the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair. There you could see tractors from Czechoslovakia, Trabants from East Germany, Zastavas from Yugoslavia, Izola kitchens, Alpeis refrigerators, Pitsos appliances, and large Greek manufacturing companies, and foreign ones too, mainly from the Iron Curtain, which in Thessaloniki found a welcoming embrace.

The Emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους of Vokos, was first held at the Zappeion Exhibition Hall, where a number of smaller exhibitions, such as philatelic, handicraft and painting exhibitions, took place. Madness, in other words, since there is not a state in the world where the Prime Minister announces economic policy for the following year What has remained constant? What has not changed in all this emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους What has remained at a global level, reckonable, bright, attractive and beneficial for Greece?

Posidonia, of course! Why, the merchant marine! Posidonia, therefore, means merchant shipping. Current and future prime ministers should bear this in mind. Posidonia is the institution that has endured, still endures, and must continue to endure.

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See you at Posidonia ! A forgo6en anniversary Even though the European elections were impending, no one paid any attention, and the historic anniversary passed by unnoticed Even we representatives of the press emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους media, are mostly indifferent to the anniversary of 9 Maythe day on which the people of Europe decided to unite their fortunes.

Of course, if the pioneers suspected what kind of Moreover, this nation is refusing to compensate countries and peoples for its horrific crimes, looting of property and theft of state economies and cultural treasures. The emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους of the German, Ludwig van Beethoven, unites rather than divides Europe The international Posidonia shipping exhibition, an enduring institution of global stature, will, from June, make the heart of the international shipping industry beat in Athens, for a week.

The impressive number of exhibitors from more than 93 countries demonstrates its importance and influence. In recent years, shipping has been facing a significant oversupply of capacity in most of its sectors, reduced funding from the international banking system, an unprofitable freight market and unprecedented challenges in safety and environmental protection legislation.

Despite these adverse conditions, the shipping sector has been steadily on the rise with ships of the latest technology in accordance with the strict standards dictated by the necessity of protecting our planet 1 2 from all forms of pollution.

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At the same time, the challenges and opportunities arising from the development of new conditions on the international scene, such as the development of the Arctic route and the construction of the new Panama Canal, are many. In the context of the above, Greek-owned shipping remains in first place in the international ranking, with 3, ships larger than 1, gt representing The significance of Greek-owned shipping, the overwhelming proportion of which is managed from Greece, is equally important for the Greek economy, contributing more than seven percent of GDP and providing thousands of jobs directly, and indirectly through maritime-related activities.

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Its contribution to the economy of Europe is comparable, given that it represents It is also noteworthy that for each one million euro which European shipping contributes emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους GDP, another 1. These figures confirm the fact that competitive commercial shipping forms the cornerstone of the wider matrix emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους maritime activities.

It is worth repeating that shipping carries more than 90 percent of international trade and is an integral factor in global progress and prosperity.

Furthermore, the existence of a stable institutional framework for shipping, is a prerequisite for the security of investments and, consequently, their viability. This policy is a key driver of vital importance for the promotion of balanced and realistic positions, which can shield the competitiveness and sustainability of shipping. Posidoniaprovides an opportunity for us to further promote this policy and to set higher common objectives for the maritime sector.

Allow me to begin with a story, without mentioning any names. A month before the exhibition was to commence, I visited the then minister for shipping. It was a courtesy visit to inform him about the participations and so on.

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I was left with my mouth open. However, I felt I could take the liberty to ask whether he knew what the Posidonia exhibition was about, and the significance it had for the country, for shipping, for the economy, and for our image abroad. It is not a state business! We had, therefore, to leave Piraeus.

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What a to-do there was! Themis Vokos, calm and ever with a smile on his face, handled the matter very simply. We paid visits to the minister, the mayor of Piraeus, and the PPA leadership. Themis confirmed that Posidonia emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους be transferred — until the construction of the new PPA exhibition centre — to the Elliniko Exhibition Centre, but it would be held under the aegis of the maritime ministry, the Municipality of Piraeus, and OLP!

There was no air conditioning, nor sufficient toilet facilities.

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So Posidonia was held at Elliniko, which offered plenty of space for parking, and much more space for exhibitors, but nothing more. It was not a space that you could get used to nor was the thought of undergoing the same ordeal in coming years an enticing one.

It was a emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους of tents that could comfortably accommodate a stage for a large concert or circus, but not an international maritime exhibition! The move to Metropolitan Expo Exhibition Centre — a modern facility capable of hosting a global exhibition — next to Athens International Airport, was inevitable. The adventure of the concrete desert at Elliniko, had to come to an end. It could not go on.

No matter who far the new space is from the sea, the facilities it provides to exhibitors and to Posidonia, do not allow for other options It is certain that this year, too, the mayor of Piraeus will say that he hopes that the next Posidonia will be held in its home city, in Piraeus. No one has any objections — as long as there emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους the infrastructure. Posidonia is an exhibition of the sea. However, this has to be understood first of all by those who want to hold it in their city, and they need to finally do something about it!

In the stands of more than 1, δεν χάνετε τα λιπώδη κύτταρα attracted over 18, buyers from 92 countries. Emp bridgebridge απώλεια βάρους this regard the organisers are building additional seminar rooms to meet demand for presentations and conference slots. Flash back Posidonia is the brainchild of Greek publisher Theodore Vokos. Vokos The concept for the exhibition was first formed inwhen Vokos, a journalist and man of the sea, was looking for innovative ways to promote Greek and international shipping activities.

He therefore organized the first "Maritime Conference" inat the Hilton.

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The prime minister, Georgios Papandreou, and shipping minister, Stavros Biris, were in attendance, as was King Constantine. Posidonia was born!